The McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning supports inclusive teaching and learning, and consults with faculty and assistants who wish to improve the accessibility of their course activities and materials.

Inclusive Teaching at Princeton Initiative
Hosts a wide range of programs including keynote addresses by high profile speakers, creates Princeton-specific resources for inclusive teaching, and offers Inclusive Pedagogy Grants to support faculty in making their courses more equitable and inclusive.
(Re)designing for Equity and Inclusion
Offers practical strategies for thinking through course goals and content to help cultivate an equitable and inclusive classroom.
Contextualizing Diversity at Princeton: Disability Inclusion
Provides statistics, history and goals illustrating the importance of developing and using strategies that make all students regardless of their background feel welcome and fully able to learn.
Making Your Course Accessible
Lists practices for improving the accessibility of digital resources, such as course syllabi, readings, images, slides, and instructional videos.